Health Care System Idiocy
I just lost my dentist. Not “lost” as in “I lost my keys”. He also didn’t get lost. He’s still here. He didn’t retire. But still, I can’t go to my dentist anymore because our company’s dental health insurance plan changed from last year to this year. So even though I just had an appointment about a month ago and I still have a lot of things to get done with my teeth, I can no longer go to my dentist because a change in insurance means that you’re effectively a new patient and they currently don’t accept any new patients at my dentist’s office. How crazy is that? It’s ridiculous. I had dentists retire on me, but never refuse to keep me around as a (paying, I might add) patient!
Mike Niederquell said,
January 14, 2009 at 11:45 pm
Ridiculous. I’ll pick up a dental kit and we can just do it here on the cheap.