
The latest news on the RudeMocks C++ mocking framework.

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RudeMocks is a mocking framework for C++ that allows you to easily create mock objects and set up expectations on them using a record & replay model by simply calling functions on the mock objects. It is inspired by C# mocking frameworks, such as Rhino Mocks and TypeMock. The goal of RudeMocks is to nearly eliminate the need to write mocks by hand when writing unit tests in C++. It is a useful library for test-driven development in C++ and makes writing unit tests almost as easy as in Java or C#. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first mocking framework of this kind available in C++.

Some of the most important features of RudeMocks are:

  • Easily create mocks for
    • Classes with single inheritance
    • Classes with multiple inheritance
    • Free functions and static member functions
  • Flexible, per-argument expectations
    • Natural syntax to set up expectations (just call the functions on the mocked object as usual)
    • Use operator == to check for equality or fall back to memcmp
    • Ignore specific arguments or all arguments
    • Custom constraints on any argument
    • STL container constraints
  • Classes need not be default constructible (although a default value for classes used as return value types needs to be provided)
  • Fully unit tested

The name RudeMocks comes from the fact that the implementation uses inline assembly, which in some C++ circles is considered a bit rude. The use of a little bit of assembly makes the implementation dependent on the compiler and the CPU architecture. The current implementation supports x86 CPUs and the Microsoft Visual C++ 8.0 compiler. Ports to gcc 4.x and other CPU architectures are underway or in preparation.

RudeMocks only depends on and uses the C++ standard library and Boost. It is released under the zlib/libpng license and can be used freely in non-commercial and commercial products.

RudeMocks is developed by Martin Ecker who can be contacted at the email address me@<thisdomain>.com, or @martin_ecker on Twitter, or via his website.

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