C++11 Wrap Pattern

Herb Sutter gave a great talk at the C++ and Beyond 2012 conference on concurrency in C++11.

The talk had an interesting interlude on how to wrap all functions performed on an existing type T in order to inject any desired behavior, and that's what this post is all about.
The pattern basically looks like this:

template <typename T>
class wrap
	wrap(T wrapped = T{}) : m_wrapped{wrapped}
	// operator() takes any code that accepts a wrapped T
	// will usually be a lambda
	template <typename F>
	auto operator()(F func) -> decltype(func(m_wrapped))
		// do any pre-function call wrapper work 
		auto result = func(m_wrapped);
		// do any post-function call wrapper work 
		return result;
	T m_wrapped;
	// ... other state required by wrapper

This wrap class template can now be used by instantiating it and calling operator() on it with an anonymous lambda function that accepts the wrapped type as single argument.

wrap<X> wrapper;
wrapper([](X& x)
	x.call_something(foo, bar);
	std::cout << x.print() << std::endl;

A concrete example of using this pattern is a monitor wrapper class, which is similar to the synchronized keyword in Java.
A monitor wraps every function call (or a group of function calls) on an existing class in a mutex lock to make the class thread-safe.

template <typename T>
class monitor
	monitor(T wrapped = T{}) : m_wrapped{wrapped}
	template <typename F>
	auto operator()(F func) -> decltype(func(m_wrapped))
		std::lock_guard<mutex> lock{m_mutex};
		return func(m_wrapped);

	mutable T m_wrapped;
	mutable std::mutex m_mutex;

Note that m_wrapped is mutable, which is required so that func(m_wrapped) works if func takes the T as a non-const reference T&.

Mutable in C++11 means thread-safe, which means either bitwise const or internally synchronized. Our mutex lock guard guarantees that by the time the m_wrapped is used in func(m_wrapped) it will be internally sychronized, so making m_wrapped mutable is perfectly acceptable.

monitor<string> s = "start\n";
std::vector<std::future<void>> tasks;

// start a bunch of tasks
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
		// single transaction, synchronized modification of s
		s([=](string& s)
			s += "transaction " + to_string(i) + " of 5";
			s += '\n';
		// do some more work
		// single transaction, synchronized read of s
		s([](string& s)
			std::cout << s;

// join all tasks
for (auto& task : tasks)

Note that T used in wrap or monitor could also be a reference, if you don't want to make a copy of T. This is useful for capturing stateful objects, such as std::cout.
So it is perfectly valid to do:

monitor<ostream&> sync_cout{std::cout};

sync_cout([=](ostream& cout)
	cout << "Writing stuff to cout..." << std::endl;
	cout << "in a synchronized way" << std::endl;

That's a wrap, folks! 🙂